Neon lights. Endless poker tables. Monstrous stage shows. Vegas is known for a lot of unique things by people all over the world. But there's even more going on here than many people think. Keep scrolling for five fun fact about Las Vegas that aren't widely known.
5 Facts About Las Vegas You Probably Haven't Heard
1. The Sky Beam at the Luxor Costs About $51/Hour to Keep On
The Sky Beam is one of the most notable parts of the city, largely because it's one fixture you can see at night as your plane is coming in for its landing. Think of it like our North Star. Don't know where you are? Look for the Sky Beam and you'll find your way.
Despite its fame, it costs just $51 an hour to keep the light on. It's quite a modest bill for something so iconic — although some sources say that back in 1993, when the hotel first opened to the public, the electric bill was a whopping $1 million a year. Yikes.

The price tag might be modest, but the Sky Beam is nothing to scoff at. In fact, the larger-than-life light source has actually created its own ecosystem. The beam attracts an otherworldly number of moths... which then attract bats... which then attract owls! It makes for one giant (and kind of gross) feast, plus a lot of mistaken UFO sightings.
That's not all that's interesting about the Luxor. While it's not exactly ancient, it is one of the tallest pyramids in the world (and used to be the tallest hotel on the Strip), standing at 350 tall. There are currently only two pyramids that are taller, in Giza, Egypt. If you can't make the long flight to Egypt, you can still get a (little) taste of pyramids right here in Las Vegas.
2. The MGM Grand's Bronze Lion is the Largest Bronze Statue in the United States
There's one thing most of us think about when we think of the MGM: Its giant bronze beast standing outside. Aside from being golden and glistening, there's a lot more to it than most tourists and locals realize.

The giant lion, created back in 1997 by Snell Johnson, weighs in at an astonishing 50 tons, making it the largest bronze statue in the country and the second largest in the world. It rests atop a 25-foot pedestal and stands at another 45 feet high.
The MGM Grand certainly brings the crowds. The staff has estimated that roughly 70,000 people make their way through the hotel each day. FYI, that's about the same size as Scranton, Pennsylvania. Unsurprisingly, it's got the largest casino in the city. (MGM, not Scranton.)
3. Las Vegas Has Over 150,000 Hotel Rooms
Looking for a place to stay? You won't have a hard time finding a vacant room in Vegas. We've got a lot of them — more than 150,000, to be more precise. We wouldn't expect anything less from the most popular tourist destination in the world (not to mention the entertainment capital).

And the MGM Grand doesn't make this list of fun facts about Las Vegas solely for its giant bronze Iion statue. As of 2019, it also has the most rooms out of all of the hotels in Vegas, ringing in at 6,852. The hotel gets about 12,000 guests a night, leaving the staff to wash 92,000 pounds of linen each and every day. And you thought your laundry was out of control...
4. The Fountains at Bellagio Use "Grey Water"
It sounds mysterious and alluring, but really... it's just gross. If you've ever gotten the urge to hop the railing and go for a dip, don't, because the Bellagio fountains and man-made lake are churning water that's been recycled from showers, tub, and sinks throughout the city. It's beautiful. It's mesmerizing. It's slightly contaminated. You can look, but please don't touch!

Sanitation issues aside, the fountains truly are a sight to behold. Even locals can't help but stop and stare. The lake supposedly holds 22 million gallons of water, which the fountains can shoot up to 460 feet high. The fountain is no joke, either. It's made of 1,200 nozzles, 4,500 lights, and 8,000 meters of pipe. Insane.
All in all, rumor has it that the fountains cost the Bellagio somewhere in the ballpark of $10,000 to $15,000 to run each night. Vegas, baby!
5. The City Sees Over 300 Weddings a Day
Whether you're getting married on a whim or you've been planning it for months, if you come to Vegas to say "I do," you definitely won't be alone. Sin City hosts about 10,000 marriage ceremonies every month, which comes out to about 300 a day.

Wondering why this is such a popular destination for weddings? Simple. Our marriage laws are lax and it's cheap to do, with a marriage license costing just $77 and obtainable in just minutes. There's no blood test and no waiting period. Plus, you can get married by Elvis and such in a tiny chapel downtown for less than $100. That's a bargain. Tie the knot, go check out the fountains, and then gaze at the Sky Beam. Just look out for bats.
Las Vegas. There's no city in the world quite like it. Millions of people call it home. Millions of people call it their next travel destination. And it's all for a good reason. You'll find things here that you won't find anywhere else on the globe. Whether you're dropping by for a long weekend or you've made Sin City your home, be sure to explore all that Las Vegas has to offer.
Except for the grey water. Seriously. Stay away from that stuff.
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